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logo design: NotR and James "Kibo" Parry
3D logo and site design: John Laviolette
Those of you who are returning to the website to look up some of those crazy Usenet punk songs are probably wondering what has happened to all the stuff?
It will be back, we assure you.
In the meantime, please visit the substitute wiki, which contains the most up-to-date band related info (as of February 2010.)
Founded on Usenet in April of 2003 by Jacob Haller, Interröbang Cartel is the world's first and greatest international Internet punk band, or perhaps it's a zydeco or New Wave band. No one's really sure. In any case, humorous posturing by the various band members eventually lead to people actually writing songs, and (wonder of wonders) recording them.
The band now has two full albums and a couple half-completed albums, a total of 5+ hours of music and rising. Musical styles are all over the map. Sometimes, one song gets recorded with two different melodies, or in a few cases, winds up with two incompatible sets of lyrics. No biggie. It's song fighting. Musical stone soup. It's everyone contributing a little something to the artistic pot or taking what's already been contributed and polishing it up a little.
We hope you enjoy our madness.
Under Construction. This website will contain song lyrics, recorded songs, and information on the members of Interröbang Cartel. The site will be fully interactive again soon.
If you would like to contribute in some way to the Interröbang Cartel project or have a comment about the website, please contact us at interrobang.cartel (at) gmail (dot) com.